About Enterprise:
RAJ MARKETING is a leading manufacturer, trader and wholesaler of an exclusive range of Pressure Cooker, Electric Iron, Wet Grinder, Chopping Machine, Flour Mixing Machine, Gravy Machine, Mixer Grinder, etc. from S.P Road Cross, Thingalarpet, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Banana Chips Machine|200 Kg/hr

Model Name :Banana Slicer
Processing Capacity :200 Kg/hr
Power :1 HP
Voltage :220 V
Material :SS
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :1200 Wp
Battery :7200 Wh
Solar Invertor/ Charge Controller :3 Kw. 4 KVA, 48 V
Working Hour :2 Hrs
This indicative solar design is suitable for approximately 2-3 hours of daily operations.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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