About Enterprise:
We develop new technology to produce more efficient, easier to use, inter-operable agri machinery within competitive prices. We aim in providing right mechanization for Time-critical farm activities like De-weeding, Tilling, Cultivating, Ridging, Spraying etc. reducing 60% of input costs in a given crop cycle for the farmer. https://www.suryanirbhar.co.in

Single Wheel Single Row Weeder

Model Name :Double Wheel Single Row Weeder
Power :2 HP
Standard Attachments :Soil-Cultivator, Kunte-Blade, Flat Weeder
Usage/Application :Dry Land Weeder
Suitability :Suitable for Pulses, Vegetables, Flowers etc.
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :1200 Wp
Battery :818 wh 48 V
Solar Invertor/ Charge Controller :3 KW (4 KVA) 48 V
Working Hour :2 hrs
This indicative solar design is approximately suitable for 1 -2 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.

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