About Enterprise:
Since our establishment in 1994 we have exported a wide variety of projects to countries all over the world. We are a sister concern of TINYTECH PLANTS which has its customer base in 116 countries of the world. TINYTECH exports small scale Oil Milling Machinery that can extract oil from all kind of oilseeds. Such Oil Extracting Plants are running successfully all over the globe.  We started the production of Sugarcane Juice Machines with the aim of providing self employment to people in both rural and urban areas. These compact, sturdy and efficient machines can be set up anywhere to provide an alternative to artificial, unhealthy aerated and bottled drinks and juices.

Sugarcane juicer Machine

Model Name :Pio Sugarcane Juicer
Processing Capacity :250 Glasses/hr or 60 to 70 Liters
Power :0.5 HP
Voltage :230 V
Material :3 Food-grade stainless steel 304 rollers
Indicative Solar Design
Solar Panel :335 Wp
Battery :4800 Wh
Solar Invertor/ Charge Controller :1.4 KVA. 1 Kw, 24 V
Working Hour :1 hrs
This indicative solar design are approximately suitable for 1 -2 hours of operations daily.
*The above-provided designs are tentative. May vary in actual.
Does not include solar solution costing.

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